Voluntary Demotion Rate for all Regular Employees

Voluntary Demotion Rate for all Regular Employees

Voluntary Demotion Rate for all Regular Employees
Voluntary Demotion Rate for all Regular Employees

A bar graph with bargaining unit on the x-axis and voluntary demotion rate for regular employees on the y-axis. AFSCME Local 88 with a rate of 1.1%, Corrections Deputies with a rate of 2.6%, Dentists with a rate of 0.0%, Deputy Sheriffs with a rate of 6.5%, Electrical Workers with a rate of 0.0%, FOPPO with a rate of 1.6%, Juvenile Custody with a rate of 4.4%, Non-represented with a rate of 1.7%, Operating Engineers with a rate of 0.0%, ONA with a rate of 0.4%, Physicians with a rate of 0.0%, and Prosecuting Attorneys with a rate of 0.0%. The countywide rate is 1.4%.

Last reviewed December 29, 2023