Volunteer In Our Community

Planting trees to remember those who lost their lives during the 2021 Heat Dome.

Tree Planting
Planting Trees in Memoriam of 2021 Heat Victims
Tree Planting with Multnomah County, City of Gresham and Friends of Trees

Please join the County and share your ideas on how to improve our services and community by getting involved:

Teen Council Members at Gresham Library and Tween Council Members at Rockwood Library needed.
Learn more

The Gresham-Barlow School District's Oasis Volunteer Program is looking for adults willing to work with young children who are struggling to learn to read. They are seeking volunteers who can spend one hour a week during the school day, working one on one with students in grades 1-5. For more information, please call Volunteer Coordinator Corey Sexton at 503-314-2039 or email Corey at corey.ley.sexton@gmail.com.

Looking for something else? There are many ways to get involved at Multnomah County and the Office of Community Involvement can help you find the best match for your interests. To get started, you can fill out this volunteer interest form to initiate the process by telling us a little bit about yourself.

Making Smoothing and Ride Share Do
Last reviewed April 25, 2024