Wondering how we got here? Starting from the most recent developments, view this timeline of major events that have occurred relating to the current iteration of Multnomah County's workforce equity efforts.
March 2024
Board sets stage for next four years of workplace equity efforts by approving renewed strategic plan

June - December 2023
The WESP Renewal Steering Committee collaborates with subject matter experts and workgroups over the course of six months to develop recommendations for the next four-year cycle.
- June: WESP Renewal Project Steering Committee Kickoff
- July: WESP Steering Committee tackles the topic of accountability in first work sessions
- August: WESP Renewal project explores restructuring to better support equity and racial justice Countywide
- September: WESP Renewal project reaches halfway point; dives into retention strategies for employees of color and revisits accountability and restructuring
- October: WESP Renewal project adjusts work session structure; forges ahead with dialogue about Training and Data
- November: WESP Steering Committee wraps up topic work sessions with discussions about Compensation and Practice
- December: WESP renewal committee reviews multi-month process of developing recommendations, prepares to present a renewed equity plan
April 2023

October 2022
The 2021-22 Workforce Equity Strategic Plan Annual Report is released.
County leaders present the annual report of the Workforce Equity Strategic Plan, focusing on changes in Central Human Resources, improvements to the County’s Americans With Disabilities Act; ODE staff and department representatives return the next week for a second briefing focusing on departmental initiatives, the WESP renewal process and the impact of the work on the ground, specifically in the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and Joint Office of Homeless Services.

March 2021

Feb. 2021
The Complaints Investigation Unit delivered its first annual report to the Board of Commissioners — marking the first formal briefing since the independent unit began investigating protected class complaints in fall 2019. Since then, the group says they’ve received 57 completed investigations. Of those investigations, 40 were substantiated.

May 27, 2020
Chair Kafoury sends an organization-wide message to employees announcing that July 1, 2020 Workforce Equity Strategic Plan deadlines have been pushed to Fall 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Feb. 26, 2020

Feb. 12, 2020
The County's new Civil Rights Policy Unit at a glance

Dec. 23, 2019

Nov. 2019
Workforce Equity Strategic Plan Nov. 2019 Progress Report
Oct. 31, 2019

Oct. 30, 2019
Chair Kafoury encourages County workforce to complete Countywide Employee Survey
Sept. 25, 2019
Sept. 18, 2019
Department of County Human Services holds "Leading with Race" event for department employees
Chief Human Resources Officer Travis Graves updates County employees on Performance and Planning Review Process
Sept. 4, 2019

Aug. 14, 2019
Workforce-wide email sent announcing the formation of the Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC) Employee Resource Group
July 31- Aug. 28, 2019
Office of Diversity and Equity and the Department of County Management's Evaluation and Research Unit hold "belonging" listening sessions for County employees
July 11, 2019

June 12, 2019

May 30, 2019
Multnomah County Board of Commissioners approves $2 million investment in workforce equity efforts

April 2, 2019

Feb. 6, 2019
Members of the Workforce Equity Strategic Plan Committee formally announced to Multnomah County employees.
Jan. 31, 2019
Board approves amendments to Workforce Equity Strategic Plan
On Jan. 31, 2019, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners approved the Draft Implementation Plan for Recommendations from Jemmott Rollins Group, henceforth making it Focus Area 5: Addendum to the Workforce Equity Strategic Plan. [Read “Board approves amendments to Workforce Equity Strategic Plan” in its entirety.]

Jan. 7, 2019 - Jan. 18, 2019
The Office of Diversity and Equity hosted lunch and learns for County employees on the Draft Implementation Plan for Recommendations from Jemmott Rollins Group (also referred to as the Draft JRG Implementation Plan).
The plan was a proposed guide as to how Multnomah County would implement and execute the recommendations delivered by national consultant, the Jemmott Rollins Group.
Dec. 19, 2018 - Jan. 23, 2019
County conducts employee survey on Draft Implementation Plan for Recommendations from Jemmott Rollins Group.
View in-depth results from the employee survey.
Dec. 13, 2018
County launches “Safety, Trust and Belonging: The Workforce Equity Initiative” website
Dec. 13, 2018
Multnomah County begins public engagement process on workforce equity strategy
In a standing-room-only meeting, County employees filled the Multnomah Board Room on Dec. 13, 2008 to participate in the first public hearing on the County’s on proposed amendments to the Workforce Equity Strategic Plan, officially referred to as the Draft Implementation Plan for Recommendations from Jemmott Rollins Group. [Read “Multnomah County begins public engagement process on workforce equity strategy” in its entirety]

Dec. 10, 2018
- Signed by Chair Kafoury and Chief Diversity and Equity Officer Ben Duncan
The Workforce Equity Governance Project Charter authorized the formation of a Countywide Workforce Equity Strategic Plan (WESP) Committee to support the effective, meaningful and transformational change needed to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan. This committee reflects the commitment upon adoption of the WESP to ensure transparency and accountability between stakeholders, providing a vehicle for workgroups that supports implementation and collaboration across the organization. [Read the Workforce Equity Governance Project Charter in its entirety]
Nov. 15, 2018
Multnomah County Board adopts new equity standard for hiring executive-level positions
On Nov. 15, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners established the “Gladys McCoy Standard” that requires that qualified candidates of color or other underrepresented groups be interviewed when hiring for executive-level positions within the County.
The standard is named for former County Chair Gladys McCoy, who was the first African American person to serve on the County Board.

Oct. 30, 2018
National equity consultant firm briefs Board of County Commissioners on workforce equity
A year after the Board of Commissioners directed the hiring of a national consultant to examine how Multnomah County’s policies and structures were negatively affecting employees of color and others, the consultant delivered sweeping recommendations to a Boardroom packed with employees on Oct. 30, 2018.
Representatives of Jemmott Rollins Group, Inc., consultants who are experts in dismantling systemic racism, spent more than six months working with employees and managers to prioritize structural and cultural changes the County could make to achieve equity. Their intent is to use targeted strategies in order to achieve universal goals and opportunities for all employees. [Read "National equity consultant firm briefs Board of County Commissioners on workforce equity" in its entirety]

April 5, 2018
Board approves Workforce Equity Strategic Plan
On April 5, 2018, The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt standards and performance measures to eliminate employment barriers for people of color and other marginalized groups and promote diversity and inclusion across the Multnomah County workforce.

April 3, 2018
Board hears results on workforce trends and employee survey
On April 3, 2018, The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners heard detailed results from two Countywide studies on workforce trends and employee survey responses during a board briefing.
The briefing was designed to offer additional context on employees’ experiences and opportunities ahead of the regularly scheduled board meeting on April 5, 2018. That’s when commissioners heard testimony from employees and voted on the County’s Workforce Equity Strategic Plan. [Read “Board hears results on workforce trends and employee survey” in its entirety]

Feb. 6, 2018 - Feb. 15, 2018
Employee Resource Groups host workforce equity strategy sessions
The Office of Diversity and Equity held strategy sessions with County employees to gather input on improving organizational culture, retention, and professional development and promotion.
Oct. 27 - Nov. 24, 2017
Multnomah County invites community input on the scope of work for Human Resources Equity Review
Multnomah County sought to award a single contract for consultant services to perform a detailed review and analysis of County Human Resources policies and practices, and provide recommendations. Community members were invited to review the scope of the work and comments. [Read “Multnomah County invites community input on the scope of work for Human Resources Equity Review” in its entirety]
Oct. 17 - Nov. 14, 2017
Organization-wide workforce equity conversations held
Sept. 28, 2017
Chair Kafoury sets dates, outlines plan to address systemic racism
Chair Deborah Kafoury set a spring 2018 deadline to see progress in workforce equity efforts and a review of the county’s employment practices and human resource structures that may perpetuate systemic racism. [Read “Chair Kafoury sets dates, outlines plan to address systemic racism” in its entirety]
Sept. 15, 2017
Multnomah County Chair addresses charges of systemic racism
On Sept. 15, 2017, Chair Deborah Kafoury issued a press release announcing a series of immediate steps she was taking to address complaints of systemic racism and unjust employment practices at Multnomah County.
“To the Multnomah County employees who stepped forward at yesterday’s [Sept. 14, 2017] hearing on our Workforce Equity ordinance, I hear your concerns, I feel your frustration and I am promising that we can and must do better for people of color,” she wrote on Sept. 15, 2017. “We must create safety and a sense of belonging for all employees so that we are truly inclusive and can effectively serve our entire community.’’ [Read the complete press release from Sept.15, 2017]
Sept. 14, 2017
Board approves Workforce Equity Resolution