Workforce Training and Hiring Program & FAQs

The goal of the Workforce Training & Hiring Program is to increase the number women and minorities in the construction trades through apprenticeship opportunities on Multnomah County projects.

The goal of the Workforce Training & Hiring Program is to increase the number of opportunities for Apprentices, Women, and People of Color in the construction trades on Multnomah County projects.

Workforce Training and Hiring Program (WTHP) requirements are applicable to prime contractors with contracts of $250,000 or more and subcontractors with subcontracts of $100,000 or more working on Multnomah County construction projects. Each contractor subject to the Workforce requirements must ensure a minimum of 20% of the labor hours in each apprenticeable trade are worked by Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries registered apprentices.

WTHP increases the number of women and minorities working on Multnomah County projects by ensuring entry level opportunities are provided on County projects and requiring that contractors make efforts to employ a workforce that is reflective of the diversity of Multnomah County. Additionally, by requiring apprentice participation and diversity efforts on Multnomah County projects the County is helping to lay the foundation for future business development as the apprentices of today become the journeyman and business owners of tomorrow.

More information about the various training programs contractors can draw from to meet the County's Workforce requirements can be found on our Workforce Apprenticeship and Pre-apprenticeship Training page, or in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why does the County require apprenticeship training?

A: The County strives to ensure equal opportunity in employment is provided on County-owned projects. By requiring apprenticeship training on certain County projects, opportunities for historically underutilized groups are increased.

Q: What is a Training Agent and how do I become a Training Agent?

A: A contractor who employs apprentices and is registered with the Apprentice and Training Division (ATD) as such A BOLI Training Agent FAQ can be found using this link. 

Q: Does my firm need to be a registered Training Agent to bid on County projects?

A: No. You would not be disqualified from bidding on County projects. However, if your contract value met or exceeded the WTHP thresholds you would be required to become a registered Training Agent prior to beginning work on the project.

Q: Are there any costs associated with becoming a registered Training Agent?

A: Yes. It is the responsibility of each contractor to determine the cost of compliance with the WTHP and to include any costs of compliance in their bid price. For more information about the Training Agent costs see BOLI's FAQ page. 

Q: My business is not a registered Training Agent but we provide in-house training to our employees, how would becoming a registered training agent affect my company?

A: In general, newly registered Training Agents are allowed to enroll their apprentice equivalent (individuals still learning their trade) employees into the training program they join. For more information about the specific requirements of particular programs contact BOLI.

Q: If I am a non-union contractor, how do I sign up with an apprenticeship program?

A: Non-union programs are available in most trades. For more information about your specific trade, contact BOLI or visit their webpage for employers.

For remaining questions, please contact the Workforce Compliance Officer at Workforcecompliance [at] Multco [dot] us here!

Last reviewed July 31, 2024