Health Dept. investigating E. coli O157 in preschool

March 10, 2017

Updated March 13, 2017

Six people associated with Montessori of Alameda preschool have laboratory-confirmed Shiga toxin-producing Escheria coli  or E. coli.  One is an adult and five are preschoolers. All of the confirmed cases have occurred in one classroom at a Portland preschool. One child has been hospitalized. Case finding is ongoing. Three have been typed so far and have E. coli O157.

The Health Department is investigating the source including whether there is a link to the national recall of I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter. The cause is not yet known.

Original press release below.

Portland - The Multnomah County Health Department is investigating multiple cases of Escherichia coli E. coli O157, also called E. coli O157.

Three people, including two children and one adult, have confirmed E. coli O157 infections. A fourth person, who is a child, has a confirmed with E. coli infection with laboratory tests for the O157 strain still underway. One of the children has been hospitalized since the onset of symptoms on March 2, 2017.

The ongoing investigation is centering around a preschool in Portland.

“We believe at this point, risk to the general public is low as we have no reported cases outside this location in Multnomah County,’’ said Dr. Paul Lewis, Multnomah County Health Officer. “We are communicating directly with parents at this school  because of the serious nature of this disease.’’

The E. coli O157 bacteria causes diarrhea and can also produce a toxin that damages blood vessels, particularly in the kidneys.

Most people become ill from eating contaminated food which has not been fully cooked. The bacteria can also spread from person to person, especially in families and in childcare facilities.

The cause of the outbreak has not yet been determined. The Health Department is investigating possible sources including any connection to the national recall of  I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter and related products. The product has been implicated in 16 E. coli cases in nine states, including two children who are siblings in Clackamas County.

Symptoms of the Shiga toxin-producing E. coli  include diarrhea which can be bloody, abdominal pain or cramping, nausea and vomiting and low-grade fever. Most people get better within five to seven days, but others can have severe or life-threatening infections.

“Since serious complications can occur, it is important to seek medical attention when suspected,” said Dr.Lewis.

The Health  Department is working closely with school leadership to implement infection control measures at the school to prevent the spread of illness. This includes stepped up-monitoring of any illness and keeping children with any symptoms at home until they are tested.  Oregon Administrative Rules require children with a positive test for E. coli O157 or the toxin made by the E. coli O157 bacteria -- called Shiga toxin -- to have additional testing prior to returning to any school or childcare.

Parents with any questions about any symptoms should contact their child’s healthcare provider. The Oregon Health Authority is also advising anyone with the recalled I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter or I.M. Granola product to immediately return the product to the store where it was purchased or throw it away. The recall notice can be viewed on the U.S. Food & Drug Administration website at

Additional information about this type of E. coli infection can be found at For parents and providers with concerns about this outbreak, the Multnomah County Health Department Communicable Disease Services team can be reached at (503) 988-3406.