Hearings set for Sauvie Island/Multnomah Channel Rural Area Plan update

Public hearings have been scheduled on an update of the Sauvie Island and Multnomah Channel Rural Area Plan. The draft plan is the result of a year-long planning process that involved a Community Advisory Committee, a Technical Advisory Committee, and the broader community. The plan looks at the key land use and transportation planning issues and documents for the area.

Hearings will be held at Sauvie Island Academy, 14445 NW Charlton Road on the following dates, focusing on specific topics.  All hearings are from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. and include time for public comment. Hearing dates and topics are:

  • February 2 (agriculture and agri-tourism, transportation)
  • March 2 (marinas and floating homes)
  • March 16 (Planning Commission deliberation)

The rural area plan and policies and public hearing details are available for review on the project website (/simc-planning).

For more information, contact:

  • Kevin Cook, Land Use Planner, 503-988-0188
  • Joanna Valencia, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner, 503-988-0219