News release: Multnomah County Charter Review Committee meets April 20 to report on progress, vote on gender neutral recommendation

April 18, 2022

The Multnomah County Charter Review Committee is inviting members of the public to join its General Committee Meeting Wednesday, April 20, to hear public comment,  share reports from subcommittee and hear from the County Attorney’s Office on the process and timeline for any amendments they recommend to become ballot measures.

The committee will be voting on its first recommendation, to make charter language gender neutral, aligning with the gender neutral language already used in County Code. If the committee approves, the next step is for the County Attorney's office to draft new charter language reflecting the proposed changes. The Committee will meet from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. virtually.

Charter Review Committee meetings are held as webinars so that members of the public can watch and hear committee discussions. Members of the public who join a Zoom webinar do not appear on camera and cannot speak in meetings except during periods on the agenda designated for public comment. 

How to attend:

  • Join the Zoom through this : Zoom link      
    • Passcode: !u=+1tv5
  • Access via telephone:1-253-215-8782 
    • Webinar ID: 957 2144 3005 
    • Passcode: 75261073

What is the Charter Review Committee?

Every six years, the Committee is convened to study the County Charter and, if it chooses, to submit Charter amendments to the voters of Multnomah County. The charter is the local version of a constitution, essentially creating the structure of Multnomah County government.

The 16 members of the 2021-2022 Charter Review Committee are working in subcommittees focused on: Community Engagement, Government Accountability, Safety & Justice and Equitable Representation. They are seeking input from the community on changes to the County Charter and any additional charter topics the committee should study. You can share your ideas or feedback by submitting public comments in writing. Fill out this form to submit your comment or you can send an email to with the subject line "Public Comment." All comments received will be added into the meeting record and may be subject to disclosure upon request under Oregon’s Public Records Law.

You can also sign up for the email list  to receive updates and learn more about how to get involved on the Committee's Community Engagement & Public Comment page.
