Three Corrections Health employees test positive for COVID-19

December 14, 2020

Multnomah County is closely following public health guidance to ensure the safety of everyone in corrections facilities. 

Three Corrections Health employees have been identified as having a positive COVID-19 test result. They will remain at home until such time that they are not deemed contagious.  Public health officials are performing contact tracing per established protocols.

Corrections Health employees follow all established Multnomah County Health Department recommendations including wearing face coverings, maintaining social distancing and frequent hand washing.  Appropriate personal protective equipment is used for clinical encounters.  Each employee performs a temperature check and attests to a lack of symptoms and COVID exposure prior to each work shift.

To learn more about the preventive measures being taken by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, please visit their website:  Multnomah County Health Department is also leading the public health response. See more at /covid19.