Board acts to re-house 70 homeless families

Following the success of last year's 30 Families in 30 Days program, which put 34 homeless families into permanent housing, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners supported an innovative way to help even more people experiencing homelessness and escaping domestic violence. In early December, the Board unanimously approved the new Homeless Families Rapid Re-Housing Initiative, led by Commissioner Kafoury, which will help 70 families get into homes and back on their feet this winter.

The program will offer rental assistance, job finding services and other social services to families and victims of domestic violence. Local organizations like Human Solutions and JOIN will work with Multnomah County to implement services provided by the program.

This initiative is made possible by emergency funds approved by the board. Next year, the Department of Community Services will seek to get permanent funding for the program in its budget.

See a KGW video and an Oregonian news story about the program.