DCJ Celebrates Over 925 Years of Experience

On Wednesday, December 7th, Multnomah County held their annual recognition award ceremony for county employees who have provided 15 through 45 years ofservice. The Department of Community Justice (DCJ) proudly had 51 employees achieving these milestones. Their combined public service record totals 925 years of experience.

This year, DCJ honorees with the longest tenure included:

  • Duane Cole, Community Justice Manager, 25 years
  • Prudence Veach, Human Resources Analyst Senior,  25 years
  • Raymond Velez, Probation/Parole Officer, 35 years

Duane Cole was also recognized as a Multnomah County Exceptional Employee during the ceremony. Commissioner Judy Shiprack read a bio highlighting many of Duane’s accomplishments. Duane was recognized for his long work hours as the only Adult Services Division manager to oversee a 24/7 operation. His contributions to eRECOG and the Electronic Monitoring RFPQ were also included.

The ceremony included a receiving line led by Chair Cogen and the County Commissioners.