DCJ director honored by his peers with two leadership posts

Scott Taylor, director of Multnomah County’s Department of Community Justice, was chosen for top leadership positions this month heading associations of his peers at the international and state levels.

On July 26 at its annual training institute in Chicago, the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) installed Taylor as its president. The association includes members from the United States, Canada and other countries actively involved with probation, parole and community-based corrections, in both the adult and juvenile sectors.

More than 5 million adults and about 1.8 million youths are on supervision nationally. In Multnomah County, DCJ’s probation and parole officers supervise more than 8,000 adults as well as nearly 650 young men and women on formal and informal supervision.

APPA’s installation of Taylor as president came on the heels of the Oregon Association of Community Corrections Directors (OACCD) installing Taylor as its president on July 13.

The state association is responsible for the supervision of convicted adult felons whom the courts and the parole board have placed in Oregon’s 36 counties.

Multnomah County Chief Operating Officer Joanne Fuller said the honors for Taylor reflect the respect he’s earned from his peers outside Multnomah County--and the ground-level work done inside the county by DCJ to lower recidivism rates and to keep the community safe.

“This recognition is a real tribute to Scott and to the entire Department of Community Justice,” Fuller said.
Taylor has headed Multnomah County’s Department of Community Justice since July 2007 after holding several key positions within the Oregon Department of Corrections.