Join the Multnomah Youth Commission

The Multnomah Youth Commission (MYC), the official youth policy body for both Multnomah County and the City of Portland, is a group of young people, ages 13-21, that strives to provide a voice for youth in the County & City's work.

Housed within the Multnomah County Chair’s Office of Diversity and Equity and the City of Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement, the MYC works to change policy affecting young people, as well as negative community perception about youth.

MYC is now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year!

Youth Commissioners serve a one-year term and commit up to 15 or 7 hours per month to help support the County & City on issues that impact the lives of their peers. Youth Commissioners are also in charge of implementing "Our Bill of Rights: Children + Youth," the nation's first Bill of Rights written by and for young people.

No special skills or experience required; just a passion for making our community a better place. Youth ages 13-21 interested in policy, activism, or community organizing are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

Applications are due April 24th by 5pm. Apply online or download a paper application.