Clients of Multnomah County’s Southeast Health Center will show the acclaimed documentary “Unnatural Causes’’ over four Tuesday evenings in May.
The screenings, which are free and open to the public, uncover how social circumstances like racism, having little money and living in poor neighborhoods can make us sick and shorten our lives.
The series will be shown in four one-hour events from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on May 5, 12, 19 and 26. Each film be followed by a discussion. They will be held at the Southeast Health Center, 3653 S.E. 34th Ave, Portland 97202 or call Katy Pranian at 503-988-6628.
This event is being sponsored by the Client Advisory Board at the Southeast Health Center. The episodes include:
May 5:
In Sickness and In Wealth How does the distribution of power, wealth and resources shape opportunities for health?
May 12
When the Bough Breaks Can racism become embedded in the body and affect birth outcomes?
Becoming American Latino immigrants arrive healthy, so why don’t they stay that way?
May 19
Bad Sugar What are the connections between diabetes, oppression, and empowerment in two Native American communities?
Place Matters Why is your street address such a strong predictor of your health?
May 26
Collateral Damage How do Marshall Islanders pay for globalization and U.S. military policy with their health?
Not Just a Paycheck Why do layoffs take such a huge toll in Michigan but because hardly a ripple in Sweden?