Living With a Loved One on Parole

Parole and Probation Officers know that for incarcerated offenders returning to the community, friends and family can make all of the difference. A supportive home environment can encourage a person to make the often challenging transition to a happier and more stable life. The Department of Community Justice’s Friend and Family Orientation is designed to answer the questions of those who will be living with a person on supervision in Multnomah County.

Orientation sessions are free and typically last about 90 minutes. Parole and Probation Officers in the Transition Services Unit run the meetings, allowing plenty of time for participants to ask their pressing questions. Common questions are: What can I expect when an officer comes for a home visit? What resources are available to help us?

“The system can be intimidating to those not familiar with Community Corrections,” Scott Rayfield, DCJ Parole/Probation Officer. “We offer these sessions so that family members and friends have a place where they can get their concerns addressed.” Orientations occur monthly – usually the third Thursday of the month. The next orientation will be Thursday, November 17, 2011, 3:30-5:00pm. Orientations are held in the Mead Building, First Floor Conference Room, at 421 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204.

For additional information and a complete list of dates/times, please refer to this weblink: /dcj-adult/tsu-family-and-friends