NEWS RELEASE: Board of Commissioners launches new monthly Proclamation Wednesdays

Beginning Wednesday, March 19, the Board of County Commissioners will hold formal proclamation signing events one Wednesday of the month. This first formal event will be March 19. Starting April 2, the proclamation event will be held on the first Wednesday of the month.

Commissioners have long signed proclamations as a way to formally acknowledge, educate and honor communities, initiatives and individuals. The schedule change by the Board of Commissioners will still achieve that outcome while improving the experience for the public. 

Previously, proclamations and other celebratory events were squeezed into the Board’s regular Thursday agendas, often leaving little time amid regular County business to adequately honor the community. The Wednesday events will dedicate the Board’s time and attention for each proclamation. Proclamations will no longer be brought to the Board as voting items in the regular Thursday Board agenda. Separate events or celebrations will take place in the place and time of the sponsoring group’s choosing, appropriate to the tone and tenor of the proclamation.

On Wednesday, March 19, the Board will take up proclaiming:

  • March 2025 as Women’s History Month
  • March 10, 2025, as Abortion Provider Appreciation Day
  • March 2025 as Procurement Month
  • March 2025 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Attend: Proclamation signings will take place in the Multnomah Building at 501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, in the boardroom. The Multnomah Building is wheelchair accessible, as is the boardroom. To request assisted listening devices, please contact

Watch or listen: The events will also be livestreamed on the Multnomah County Board YouTube channel. Videos are available on YouTube immediately after the meeting and also after 24 hours on this Board Meeting page. The monthly proclamation schedule will be published on the Friday before the event, on the same page.

The Communications Office will also continue to publish coverage of proclamations on and on the County’s social media.

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month in November 2024.