Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2021 Webinars: Supporting Marginalized Survivors
Throughout April 2021, please join us for a Sexual Assault Awareness Month webinar series focused on building practical skills for supporting marginalized survivors. The webinar series is organized by the Family Violence Coordinating Council's Sexual Assault Advisory Committee, and each event will be live streamed on the Department of County Human Services Facebook page.Link: DCHS Facebook Page
Day 1: Accessing Medical Services for SA Survivors
April 7, 2021 from 5:00pm-6:30pm
This training discussed health care options for survivors, including medical care, forensic evidence collection, available financial resources, and privacy considerations. Below are some additional resources from the training:
Day 2: In the #Me Too Movement, What’s Your Role? Stopping Sexual Harassment and Violence in the Workplace
April 15, 2021 from 10:30am-12:00pm
This workshop discussed the law of sexual harassment, the duties and obligations of an employer, EEOC procedures and investigations, and what “first responders” like counselors, advocates, and medical professionals etc. play in documenting critical information to help a victim of harassment in their case against an employer. Below are some additional resources from the training:
Day 3: Screening and Creative Safety Planning for Supporting Survivors Who Trade Sex or are Experiencing Sex Trafficking
April 19, 2021 from 2:00pm-3:30pm
Presenters Saiya White and Kat Salas both hold lived experience in the Sex Trades as well as experience as Social Workers and community organizers. In this presentation, providers will learn how to adjust language and screening questions to better include those experiencing DV/ SA while in the Sex Trades. Providers will also continue to build creative safety planning skills around supporting survivors who are actively Trading Sex or being Trafficked and how to use trauma informed motivational interviewing when conducting an SSA with a Survivor of Sex Trafficking. Below are some additional resources from the training: