Multnomah County Environmental Health provides health, safety and sanitation inspections to child care centers, family homes and residential treatment centers in Multnomah County. These facilities are licensed by other agencies.
When you apply for or renew your license, you will be notified that you need to obtain an inspection from us.
Child Care Facilities
We inspect certified child care centers, certified family homes, and before and after school programs licensed by Oregon’s Office of Child Care.
Get a License
Licenses are issued by Oregon's Department of Early Learning and Care. You must apply for a license if you are:
- Opening a new center or care home
- Renewing your license
- Changing ownership/operation
- Reopening after a lapse in certification
- Changing location
Read license requirements and apply»
Request an Inspection
Send us a completed Child Care Inspection Request Form along with the appropriate fee payment at least 30 days before the license expires.
Plan Review
If you’re remodeling or opening a new child care facility, contact us to see if you need a plan review.
Child care centers, based on the number of children:
- 1-12 children: $280
- 13-20 children: $290
- 21 and over: $310
Family homes: $290
Before and after school programs: $280
Plan review: $340
Consultation: $200/hour
Child and Adult Care Food Programs
We conduct annual kitchen inspections to meet requirements for Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) funding.
Send us a completed CACFP Inspection Request Form at least 30 days before your current inspection expires.
If you’re remodeling or constructing a new kitchen, contact us to see if you need a plan review.
- Full service kitchen: $320
- Satellite kitchen: $320
- Serving kitchen: $280
- Program in conjunction with school: $180
Plan review: $340
Consultation: $200/hour
Residential Treatment Centers & Other Inspections
For these requests:
- Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) inspection
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP) inspection
- A consultation
- Any other required agency inspection except Oregon's Office of Child Care
Send us a completed Miscellaneous Care Facilities Inspection Request Form along with the appropriate fee payment.
If you’re remodeling or opening a new center or some other non-licensed facility (halfway house, shelter, etc.), contact us to see if you need a plan review.
- Day treatment: $265
- Residential treatment: $350
Plan review: $340
Consultation: $200/hour
Adult Foster Homes
For inspections, contact Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services»
Pay Fees Online
We'll email you an invoice and you can pay online using your invoice number. Make a payment»
Contact Us
Multnomah County Environmental Health
847 NE 19th Ave, Suite 350
Portland, Oregon (Map)
503-988-5844 fax
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8am - 4:30pm