Over 60 people attended the orientation for Citizen Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) members on January 14th. CBAC members are from the public and have no connection financially to the county. They serve on nine committees that will make recommendations to the board of county commissioners about funding next year for programs in major departments and offices. Between November and April, the CBACs meet multiple times to hear presentations and ask questions of department directors and program managers. They present their budget recommendations in April and May byway of written reports as well as presentations during board meetings.
During the orientation, members learned about the important role they play in the budget process, the budget process and timeline, as well as the budget forecast for the upcoming year. County Chair Deborah Kafoury kicked off the training by describing the importance of the CBACs and urging the members to ask questions. She was followed with presentations by County Auditor Steve March, Budget Director Karyne Kieta, Economist Mike Jaspin, and interim CBAC program manager Teresa Walton.
See the Powerpoint presented by the Multnomah County Budget Office
Learn more about the CBACs and read their reports from last year.