On this page
- Using the maps
- How do I select a layer or layers I want to view in a map?
- Why do some maps include service locations outside Multnomah County?
- Why do some maps include client locations outside Multnomah County?
- Why do some of the heat maps look empty in the eastern part of Multnomah County?
Using the maps
How do I select a map collection for viewing?
There are 4 map collections you can view: Physical and Mental Health Services, Human Services, General Services and Demographic and Reference Layers. Use the drop down menu to select which collection you wish to view.

How do I select a layer or layers I want to view in a map?
Within each map collection, there are several layers you can view. You may select more than one. Select the layers by clicking in the box next to the layer you wish to view.

How do I close the map selector menu and view the map in full screen?
To view the map without the map selector menu, select the "<" next to Map Layers label. You can open it back up again by clicking on the ">" in the upper left hand corner.

How do I zoom in or out on the map?
Use the + and - signs to zoom in or out on the map.

How do I view the legend for the layers?
To see a legend for a particular layer, click on the menu next to the layer name.

Can I view more than one demographic layer at a time?
The demographic and reference layers behave a bit differently than the layers above (Services and Transit, for example). You can only view one Demographic and Reference Layer at a time. For best results, make sure only one box is selected at a time.

Why do some maps include service locations outside Multnomah County?
Some programs have contracts with providers that have multiple service locations. County residents who obtain services from these providers have the option to obtain services at any of the provider’s locations.
Why do some maps include client locations outside Multnomah County?
Zip codes are not contained within the County; therefore, maps based on aggregated client zip codes—as opposed to individual, complete client addresses—may cross into other jurisdictions.
Why do some of the heat maps look empty in the eastern part of Multnomah County?
Heat maps show client densities based on information from County programs. Lighter colors represent areas of lower density; darker colors suggest greater density. Because a large portion of East County has very low general population density, this area of any heat map will typically be a light color.