Social Equity for Non-Personal Services and Goods

In solicitation documents you may have to answer questions for workforce diversity, MWESBs, and sub-contracting.

Business Network
The County is committed to extending contracting opportunities to businesses that demonstrate social equity in the areas of workforce diversity, utilization of State of Oregon certified Minority, Women and Emerging Small Businesses (MWESBs), In order to promote economic growth, the County seeks to maximize the participation of diverse consultants, partners, contractors, and suppliers throughout the duration of our projects.  Supporting the development of local businesses provides the framework to address positive economic impact that is provided by our empowered local diverse community.

In completing solicitation documents you may have to answer questions or read our value statements for workforce diversity, MWESBs, and sub-contracting.

Here are example questions:

  • What social equity innovations that benefit the community you serve has your organization integrated into the delivery of goods and/or services? 
  • Describe in detail how your (agency/business/ organization) develops an internal diverse workforce. How do you approach internal on-the-job training, mentoring, technical training and/or professional development opportunities addressing diversity?
  • If you are providing services please describe your organization's plan for obtaining maximum utilization of State of Oregon certified MWESB firms.
  • Describe the mentoring, technical or other business development services your organization will provide to MWESB businesses. 
Last reviewed July 31, 2017