Appendix - Survey of Adults in Custody
This survey is for the Multnomah County Auditor’s Office, which is not part of the Sheriff’s Office or the Portland Police. We are doing an audit of jail conditions. Your answers will help us try to make it better for people in jail. Corrections counselors will collect the surveys and give them to the Auditor’s Office. No other jail staff will see your answers. You do not have to take this survey. You can skip any question.
Do you feel safe from other adults in custody while you were in jail?
I usually feel safe
I sometimes feel safe
I do not feel safe
Do you feel safe from corrections deputies while you were in jail?
I usually feel safe
I sometimes feel safe
I do not feel safe
Do you know of any people who work in the jail you can talk to if you do not feel safe?
Do you know the rules in jail?
When people break the rules, do corrections deputies treat them fairly?
Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never
Do corrections deputies try other ways to get people to follow rules before using physical force?
I have never seen corrections deputies use physical force
Most of the time
Some of the time
Almost never
When corrections deputies use physical force, it was to: (check as many as you like)
I have never seen corrections deputies use physical force
Stop people from breaking the rules
Stop a person from hurting another adult in custody
Stop a person from hurting jail staff
Stop a person from hurting themselves
Punish people
Are there any people who work in the jail you can talk to if you see corrections deputies doing something wrong?
Health Care
Do you know how to get physical health care in the jail?
Do you know how to get mental health care in the jail?
If you were taking medication for a physical condition when you came to the jail, how long after you were in jail did you get your medication?
I was not taking any medication when I came to jail
I never told staff about my medication
I just got to jail, so I haven’t had a chance to get my medication
I got my medication within 1 day of being in jail
I got my medication within 2-5 days of being in jail
I got my medication after more than 5 days of being in jail
I never got my medication
If you were taking medication for a mental health condition when you came to the jail, how long after you were in jail did you get your medication?
I was not taking any medication when I came to jail
I never told staff about my medication
I just got to jail, so I haven’t had a chance to get my medication
I got my medication within 1 day of being in jail
I got my medication within 2-5 days of being in jail
I got my medication after more than 5 days of being in jail
I never got my medication
How do people who work in the jail respond to drug or alcohol struggles?
I do not struggle with drugs or alcohol
I struggle with drugs or alcohol, but I did not ask for help because I didn’t want any
I struggle with drugs or alcohol, but I did not ask for help because I didn’t feel comfortable telling jail staff
I struggle with drugs or alcohol and asked for help, but did not get any help
I struggle with drugs or alcohol and got help from jail staff
What is your race? (check all that apply)
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Latino or Hispanic
- Native American
- Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian
- White
- Is this your first time in jail?
- Yes
- No
Is there anything you want to tell us about health care, mental health care, addictions support, safety, rules, solitary confinement, or physical force in jail?