VIDEO: Sign Fabricator Tyler Kunter, the county’s most well-read employee

Meet the county’s sign fabricator, Tyler Kunter. Watch Tyler create signs in his Gresham workshop and install them in the field.

In this edition of “We Are Multnomah County” meet the county’s sign fabricator Tyler Kunter. Tyler works for the County’s Transportation Division in the Department of Community Services. He makes 2000 to 3000 signs a year to help the public find their destinations and be safe.

In his work, Tyler strives to make signs that every person can understand.  In addition to traffic signs, Tyler makes signs for county buildings and vehicles as well as signs for other governments. His work combines careful craftsmanship, a sense of good design, and use of the latest technology.

“It’s rewarding to see my hard work come out in a physical form that is measurable,” Tyler says.  Watch Tyler create signs in his Gresham workshop and install them in the field.

Last reviewed December 22, 2015