Transforming Justice Final Report

The link to access the LPSCC Transforming Justice Summary Report

Sketches of community services in locations throughout Portland

This report is designed to provide an overview of the Transforming Justice project’s intent, goals, and design. While not an encyclopedic collection of all materials generated during the project, this report includes summaries of the work's most important processes and outputs. The intention is for this document to serve as an ongoing reference point for future stakeholders about the project team’s decisions, learnings, and general arc of this important work, from inception
to completion.

The report is organized into sections that identify participants and contributors, and provide clarity and understanding on the project's process and methodology.

Following this executive summary section, we describe the general project context and approach. This information is followed by the project overview, Working Group and Steering Committee membership lists, our discovery research and emergent themes, and finally, our vision and core strategies sessions processes and results.

Last reviewed May 16, 2023