Community involvement program seeks new executive director as it moves into the future

The Multnomah County office charged with running community involvement programs recently changed its name from Citizen Involvement Committee to Community Involvement Committee (CIC). The change comes after members of the CIC heard from community members and county leadership that the word “citizen” was perceived as restrictive and exclusionary.

“What's important to the CIC is that every Multnomah County resident be invited to participate in their own government and not just folks with a certain type of paperwork,” said CIC Chair Judy Hadley.

Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury encouraged the change, saying it’s consistent with larger County goals and policies: “We don’t just serve ‘citizens,’” said Chair Kafoury. “We want all community members to have a voice in decision making, and to know they are included, safe, and valued.”

The Board of Commissioners appointed ten new members to the CIC in November. The new members were nominated by neighborhood groups and community organizations from across Multnomah County’s four districts. Chair Kafoury initiated a broad and inclusive outreach effort in September, leading up to the appointments.

The next big step for the CIC is taking is hiring an executive director. “This is an exciting time to be joining the CIC. Adopting a committee name that reflects our goals and hiring an executive director who shares our priorities will take us toward the CIC's broader aims: fostering civic engagement in every community, and providing every resident with opportunities to make their voice heard,” said Kevin Frazier, a member of the CIC.

“The CIC’s new director will play an essential role in making sure all members of our community know exactly how they can participate in the work of the county,” said Chair Kafoury of the upcoming recruitment. “I look forward to working with them as they take the CIC into the future.”

The executive director position has been posted to the county’s job site and closes Sunday, February 12.

The CIC was established by

in 1984 to facilitate communication between community members and the Board of Commissioners. The committee engages in ongoing study and discussion of the county’s priorities, programs, and procedures, including the county budget process. It shares information from the county regarding programs and services, and makes recommendations to the Board and departments.

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Community Involvement Committee members collaborate at a recent meeting.
Community Involvement Committee members collaborate at a recent meeting.