More than 1.5 Million Americans with Disabilities Miss Out on a Valuable Tax Credit - Don’t Be One of Them

1.5 Million Americans with disabilities miss out on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which can put up to $6,269 in your pocket.

If you don’t think you qualify, check again. Special rules help people with disabilities qualify for EITC. Many parents with children with disabilities or other family members qualify too.

Worried that a tax refund will impact their eligibility for one or more public benefits, including Social Security disability benefits, Medicaid, and Food Stamps?

According to the IRS:

“The law is clear that tax refunds, including refunds from tax credits such as the EITC, are not counted as income for purposes of determining eligibility for benefits. This applies to any federal program and any state or local program financed with federal funds.”

So there’s no reason to hesitate. Use the EITC Assistant, on, to determine eligibility, estimate the amount of credit and more.

Then visit County-funded partner to find your nearest free tax preparation site.