View the 2017-2020 Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division Area Plan
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We asked LGBT older adults what services they cared about most...
With the help of partner organizations, we solicited feedback from members of our community through 18 different listening sessions. Among the 474 participants, LGBT elders had unique perspectives and needs.
Behavioral Health is uniquely important for LGBT older adults
Behavioral health was the issue that received the most comments from LGBT people when asked “what’s important to you”? This issue received just 5% of total comments from all other listening session participants. This supports national statistics showing rates for depression, suicidality and substance misuse are higher among LGBT older adults than the overall aging population.
LGBT participants indicated community and strong social supports as important for behavioral health.
More behavioral health services, including counseling, housing with services, and resource navigation tailored to older LGBT people and to communities of color within the LGBT population are also needed.
Caregiver education
People aging with HIV and AIDS Long-Term Survivors often rely on non- traditional caregivers, who may go unrecognized and unsupported.
Case management
Case management was the second most important issue overall for LGBT older adults. Among case management, the types of services sta could help navigate was the most important issue.
Stigma and discrimination towards the LGBT community was indicated as a barrier to feeling safe, particularly as it related to housing and neighborhoods. LGBT peoples’ most common response was about community resources, housing and neighborhoods, and education.
The information provided at these sessions was used to develop the 2017-2020 Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division Area Plan. Developing the Area Plan is an Older Americans Act requirement of all Area Agencies on Aging.