MMP Supplier FAQ:
- Question: What does MMP stand for?
Answer: Multco Marketplace
- Question: I already certified and submitted my registration, why do I have to do it again?
Answer: As of June 1st, 2020 we are requiring additional information to perform an IRS Check to ensure we have your legal name and TIN information. This will assist in doing business with the County.
- Question: What is COBID Certification?
Answer: Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID) is the sole certification authority for the state of Oregon. We are tracking Diversity Classifications as defined by the state of Oregon. All M/W/ESB and SDVBE firms are now known as COBID certified firms in County documentation.
- Question: What is a supplier?
Answer: Previously referred to as “Vendor”. A person or organization that provides a product or service.
- Question: Why does the County use the term supplier?
Answer: We call any person or organization that provides a product or service a supplier. However, we do understand that many have industry-specific terms. Tip: Please tell us about your industry-specific terms in the "Keywords" field in supplier registration.
6. Question: What does “D/B/A” stand for?
Answer: "Doing Business As". A name under which a corporation conducts business that is not the legal name of the corporation as shown in its articles of incorporation. If supplied, this name will show up on purchase orders and checks.
7. Question: What is a commodity code?
Answer: A commodity code is a Classification System used for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. economy. Commodity codes or industry codes define establishments based on the activities in which they are primarily engaged. As a supplier, you will want to review and select the commodity codes that apply to your product or service; this is an important step and will greatly increase the number of sourcing events you are invited to.
8. Question: What is a sourcing event?
Answer: A process in which Multnomah County solicits business opportunities to suppliers for goods and services such as an RFP, ITB, or RFPQ.
9. Question: How do I maintain or upload my insurance?
Answer: Help for uploading your insurance into MMP can be found
10. Question: How do I manage insurance notifications?
Answer: Go to View My Profile/Notifications to manage insurance notifications.
11. Question: Is there a file size limit?
Answer: The file size limit is 50MB.
12. Question: Where do I find my Time Zone, and Display Settings?
Answer: You have the ability to change Time Zone and Display Settings by going to your profile. We suggest you select PDT/PST-Pacific Standard Time/US Pacific Time to reflect the time we close Sourcing Events.
13. Question: Can I share my login with my co-worker?
Answer: It is not a best practice to share your personal user id and passwords with others. If you need to add a new user, please complete the “MMP Supplier Access Request Form” located on the Multco Marketplace Supplier Portal.
14. Question: Why is a sales contact required?
Answer: The sales contact is required because email notifications are sent to the sales contact from Multnomah County. In addition, sales contacts and corporate contacts are invited to Sourcing Events by commodity code.
15. Question: My organization has two EINs-Why can I only input one in my supplier record?
Answer: If your organization has two EINs it would require two MMP profiles and different email addresses, one for each profile.
For additional information related to your MMP profile or if you are having trouble logging in, please contact the Jaggaer support team at 800.233.1121, select option 2 and then option 1 or Submit a Supplier Support Ticket.
Updated: 05/2023