January 17, 2020
The Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC), Department of Community Justice, Health Department’s Mental Health and Addictions Division, together with Bridges to Change are seeking members for a community-based advisory board to help guide the continual planning, implementation and oversight of the Diane Wade House, a pioneer transitional housing program for justice-involved black women. This is your opportunity to uplift the voices of black women and those involved in the criminal justice system and to ensure culturally responsive programming is applied.
Those with lived experience in the criminal justice or mental health system, as well as significant personal or professional experience working with black communities are highly encouraged to apply.
The online application is open until February 18, 2020. Please use the following link to apply: https://forms.gle/18qo4u7F6y1bq2YD6
For a paper application, contact Leneice Rice at leneice.rice@multco.us