The passage of The Oregon Family Fairness Act (House Bill 2007) and its subsequent signing by Governor Kulongoski created a domestic partnership system within the state of Oregon. This law took effect January 1, 2008. The first domestic partnerships were registered on January 2, 2008.
What is a domestic partnership?
Under state law, a “domestic partnership” means a civil contract entered into in person between two individuals of the same sex who are at least 18 years of age, who are otherwise capable and at least one of whom is a resident of Oregon.
Who is eligible to enter into a domestic partnership in Oregon?
A domestic partnership can be established by two individuals of the same sex who are not less than 18 years of age, at least one of whom is an Oregon resident, and who are otherwise legally capable of consenting. Prohibitions apply if either party has a different and legally recognized spouse.
Where will Multnomah County residents be able to register domestic partnerships?
Partnerships may be registered at the county’s Division of Assessment, Recording, and Taxation’s Customer Service Office located in Room 175 of the county’s main building at 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97214. Marriage licenses and county domestic partnerships are also registered here.
What forms are required?
The State of Oregon will issue a “Declaration of Domestic Partnership” form. These forms will be available at County offices as well as online. Both parties must complete the form, provide identification and sign in the presence of a Notary Public.
Are the forms online?
The State of Oregon does provide the domestic partnership forms online. If you fill out your online form using a public terminal in our lobby, we will print it for you at no charge but notary services are not provided. If you fill out your form at home, please note that the State requires that the online form must be printed on legal size paper (8.5x14 inches) to be accepted by counties. Letter-sized forms, whether notarized or not, will be rejected. Check online for referral services for local Notary Publics.
Is there a cost?
The fee for registration is $60 in cash or certified funds. No personal checks. No refunds. Fees are equal for marriage licenses and county domestic partnerships. Portions of each are used to fund domestic violence prevention and related resources.
What is the process?
The State requires that the online form must be printed on legal size paper (8.5x14 inches) to be accepted by counties. Letter-sized forms, whether notarized or not, will be rejected. Once the “Declaration of Domestic Partnership” form is completed and notarized, it can then be presented, along with a fee of $60 to Multnomah County staff. Once the above steps are completed, staff will provide the registering couple with a decorative “Certificate of Registered Domestic Partnership.”.
Is identification required?
The Notary Public is required to verify identification of the parties when signing the document.
Is it possible to get a certified copy at the time the application is complete and paid for?
Yes, certified copies are $7.75 for the first copy and $4 for each additional copy when purchased at the same time.
We registered on Multnomah County’s existing domestic partnership registry. Can that transfer over?
No. Multnomah County’s domestic partnership registry does not provide the same level of rights or responsibilities as the new statewide system.
If I registered on Multnomah County’s existing domestic partnership registry, is there a credit or refund available for my registration on the new state system?
No, unfortunately that is not available, as stated above, these are two separate programs with differing rights and responsibilities.
Is the Multnomah County’s existing domestic partnership registry still available?
Yes. Some couples may choose to use this option instead, including those in different-sex partnerships.
Does the law apply to transgender individuals?
Multnomah County will treat couples seeking domestic partnerships the same as it treats couples who seek marriage licenses. The Declaration of Domestic Partnership form requires both parties to state their gender and affirm the truthfulness of all information included.