Prism is an ERG focusing on insuring equity and inclusion for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) County employees and providing a place for LGBTQ+ employees to support each other’s professional growth. Prism members come from many different backgrounds and work at all levels and all departments throughout the County. Participation with Prism is open to all and Prism welcomes everyone to get involved.
For dates and locations of meetings get on the Prism list-serv or go to the Office of Diversity and Equity Events Calendar on the Multco Commons. Information on events, elections, etc. is on the Prism page on the Commons.
Membership is open to any Multnomah County employee.
All Multnomah County employees are entitled to use 6 hours per month of work time interacting with ERGs that they are signed up with. Executive Committee members are entitled to use 8 hours per month, and Co-chairs are entitled to 12 hours per month of work time on ERG business/activities. There are some limited exceptions. You can join by going to this website: https://commons.multco.us/office-diversity-and-equity/form/multnomah-county-employee-resource-group-registration.
If you have any questions about these rules or joining an ERG, please, contact the Office of Diversity and Equity.