About the Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Our office supports continuity across County operations, champions the Chair’s initiatives, responds to urgent countywide matters, and manages numerous projects and facilitates leadership teams.

The Office of the Chief Operating Office is composed of the Chief Operating Officer, Deputy COOs, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Strategic Initiatives Managers, the SPARK Unit and Administrative Analysts.

The Chief Operating Officer Travis Graves oversees the day-to-day operations of the County. This includes ensuring that all departments and functions are working efficiently to achieve the organization's goals, as well as focusing on operational processes, performance metrics, and the implementation of strategies and initiatives. The COO reports directly to the Chair, sitting at the nexus between elected officials and departments that lead the daily work of delivering services.

The COO also serves as the Department of County Management (DCM) Director. This role is responsible for corporate-level divisions — with support from a Deputy COO — managing human resources, finance, budget, and assessment and taxation, in addition to a number of DCM administrative units. Deputy COO Travis Graves oversees several DCM divisions (Budget, Central HR, and Finance & Risk Management) and the Department of County Assets, with a focus on internal services.

Two additional Deputy Chief Operating Officers supervise the department directors and advise the COO on issues facing departments in their respective portfolios.

The Director of Strategic Initiatives, supported by the SPARK Unit (Strategic Planning, Performance, Agility, Reinvention, and Knowledge), manages the County’s strategic planning program to drive strategic focus, continuous improvement, and innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of the communities we serve.

Together, the Office of the COO supports continuity across County operations, champions the Chair’s initiatives, responds to urgent countywide matters, and manages numerous projects and facilitates leadership teams.

Last reviewed October 18, 2024