Meghan Moyer Multnomah County District 1

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve as Multnomah County Commissioner for District 1. Our employees and partners have a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge. I look forward to working together with them to solve our community’s toughest challenges.
Commissioner Meghan Moyer
Meet the Staff
One of my first jobs as a new commissioner was to hire a staff. I’m thrilled to be supported by Shelley Ashford (Constituent Relations and Policy Advisor), Chad Lykins (Policy Director), and Regan Gray (Chief of Staff). My staff works closely with staff members from the Chair, Commissioners, and Departments.

Many thanks to all the people who made this day possible.

Being on-site is always an inspiration. I like to walk through the space, ask questions, meet staff, and hear how things are going and how I can help. Some highlights from my first weeks in office include site visits at the Northwest Library, Mari Equi Center, Department of Community Justice's Stabilization and Readiness Program (SARP), and the Quest Center for Integrative Health.
Board Assignments
Chair Jessica Vega Pederson issued Board Assignments in early January. I have the privilege of serving on the following committees and commissions:
- Aging Services Advisory Council
- Disability Services Advisory Council
- Domestic Violence Fatality Review
- Gateway Center for Domestic Violence Council
- Multnomah County Sex Trafficking Collaborative
- Portland Children’s Levy
- Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission
- Greater Portland Inc. (Alternate)
Media Appearances
Meghan Moyer, One of Multnomah County’s New Commissioners Outlines Her Priorities in the Role
“I have a special area of interest and that is to find long term solutions for people who are experiencing homelessness.”
County Commissioner Meghan Moyer Questions Price Tag on Animal Shelter
“I’m unclear how we got to $1,500 per square foot.”
Board Agenda
This is where you can see in advance everything we’ll be discussing, along with all the same materials that are given to commissioners to prepare them for the board meetings.
February is a big month! In addition to the normal agenda, I’ll be working on my policy goals and submitting my budget priorities to the Chair. I will be engaging with folks internally and externally. I’m particularly excited to visit constituents at the Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Association and Sauvie Island Neighborhood Association.
Please don’t hesitate to contact my office at We read every single email and do our very best to respond. I work for you!
Watch online or in-person. Want your voice to be heard? Sign up to testify!