First Black Sorority Honors Multnomah County Juvenile Court Counselor

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority held its 24th Annual Emerald Awards honoring nine men for their leadership and achievements. Leslie Taylor, Juvenile Court Counselor, Department of Community Justice, was one of the chosen honorees in recognition of his dedication to improving youth services.

The entire list of Honorees celebrated as “Unsung Heroes” appears below:

· Judge H.J. Belton Hamilton

· David Jackson, Arts/Humanities

· Sam Fowler, Business

· Michael Holton, Sports

· Leslie Taylor, Youth Services

· Rob Ingram, Youth Services

· Levell Thomas, Youth Services

· Karanja Crews, Education

· Craig Findren, Education/Youth Services

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is the oldest Greek-lettered organization established by African-American college-educated women.

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