DCJ District Manager Recognized By Peers

Pat Schreiner, a District Manager in the Adult Services Division was presented an Outstanding Service Award to honor his years of service and leadership with the Sex Offender Supervision Network (SOSN). The award was presented by Jeff Wood, Commander of the Parole & Probation Division, Marion County, on behalf of the Oregon Association of Community Corrections Directors (OACCD) and SOSN. Pat received the award during the November OACCD meeting held in Eugene. Pat has been a pioneer in the implementation of evidence-based practices in Oregon, and is a strong advocate for the use of best practices for the supervision and treatment of sex offenders.

The Sex Offender Supervision Network is a line-level group of parole/probation officers empowered to significantly guide the direction of sex offender supervision for the state. The Network was founded on the belief that empowerment and participatory management will result in the most effective strategies to manage this and other offender groups. 
For more information, please refer to this link: http://www.sexoffenderresource.com/oregon/