Board of Commissioners statement on Clackamas County commissioner's social media posts

The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners is appalled to learn of Clackamas County Commissioner Mark Shull’s social media posts that spread hatred, bigotry and lies about immigrants, Muslims, communities of color and other historically marginalized groups, as well as inflammatory disinformation during the September wildfires. This is conduct that betrays the trust of his constituents and undermines any claim that Commissioner Shull can make about serving his community fairly or effectively. We call on him to resign without delay.

Our words as public officials, even those posted on personal social media pages, have immense power and influence. Less than a week ago, we saw in the nation’s capital what a pattern of inflammatory words on social media can incite. And here at home, we saw the tensions and trauma that malicious disinformation sowed during the wildfires when evacuees were stopped and harassed by armed vigilantes. Words matter, and those who feed bigotry and discrimination must be held accountable.

As the Portland metro area continues to tackle urgent challenges that transcend county lines, local leaders must have confidence that those who we are serving alongside in neighboring jurisdictions have the best interests of all our residents in mind. Commissioner Shull’s posts make it clear that he does not. It is healthy and often necessary to disagree on policy, but the humanity and value of the people we call our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers are never up for debate. The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners cannot in good faith work with a commissioner who has so openly demonstrated views and values that run counter to those of safety, equality and inclusion for all residents.

Deborah Kafoury
Multnomah County Chair

Sharon Meieran
Commissioner, District 1

Susheela Jayapal
Commissioner, District 2

Jessica Vega Pederson
Commissioner, District 3

Lori Stegmann
Commissioner, District 4