Nov. 4: Join Multnomah County's Office of Sustainability and Chair Cogen for a free screening of The Last Mountain

Join Multnomah County's Office of Sustainabilty and Chair Jeff Cogen for a free screening of The Last Mountain on Sunday, Nov. 4 at McMenamin's Bagdad Theater, 3702 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd. in Portland! The film starts at 6 p.m., but come early to learn about organizations that are working toward Oregon’s clean energy future.

The Last Mountain tells the story of a small but passionate group of ordinary citizens in Coal River Valley, West Virginia as they work to protect Appalachia's mountains from the destructive practice of mountain top removal.  After the film, a panel of local environmental organizations will talk about the role of citizen engagement in promoting clean energy.

This event is a part of the Sustainability Film Series and is brought to you by the Multnomah County Office of Sustainability and the Multnomah County Green Team. Special thanks to McMenamin's for hosting the event.