Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services investigates allegations of abuse, self-neglect and financial exploitation of seniors and people with disabilities.

Adult Protective Services investigates allegations of abuse, self-neglect and financial exploitation of seniors and people with disabilities.

Report abuse and neglect

Older Adults and People with Physical Disabilities

Persons with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability

Adults with Mental Illness

Child Abuse

Adults Receiving Residential Substance Abuse Treatment

  • Oregon Office of Training Investigations & Safety (OTIS)
  • 503-945-9495

What is adult abuse?

Adult abuse is any form of mistreatment that results in harm, fear or loss in an older person or a person with a disability. Older person is defined as aged 60 and above. A person with a disability is defined as a person with a physical disability. Multnomah County Adult Protective Services (APS) is the local organization which investigates abuse.

The types of abuse investigated by Multnomah County APS include:

  • Physical harm or injury
  • Neglect
  • Financial exploitation
  • Verbal or emotional abuse
  • Involuntary seclusion
  • Wrongful use of a physical or chemical restraint
  • Unwanted sexual contact
  • Abandonment
  • Self Neglect - when an individual lacks the ability to understand consequences leading to harm

How serious a problem is adult abuse?

The losses associated with abuse can be devastating and may include the loss of independence, homes, life savings, health and dignity. Victims of abuse have been shown to have shorter life expectancies than non-abused older people.

What happens after I report abuse?

Adult Protective Services will investigate whether or not abuse or neglect has occurred and attempt to link vulnerable adults to vital health and human services. Adult Protective Services may also work with law enforcement if a crime has been committed.

Does my name stay confidential if I report abuse?

Yes. State law protects the confidentiality of anyone reporting abuse. You may also choose to remain anonymous when reporting abuse.

Am I protected if I report abuse?

Yes. Oregon's adult abuse reporting law protects any individual who reports suspected abuse in good faith.
Anyone reporting adult abuse with reasonable grounds is immune from civil and criminal liability.

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Last reviewed date November 19, 2024