Join the Youth Violence Prevention Community & Youth Advisory Boards

The Multnomah County Youth Violence Prevention Community Advisory Board (CAB) and Youth Advisory Board (YAB) consists of community members who strive towards reducing youth violence in Multnomah County. The CAB/YAB work to advise the direction of and expand the Health Department’s youth violence prevention work. Members provide system changes, policy and program feedback, recommendations and strategies for violence prevention at the Health Department. They also develop and promote violence prevention strategies, programs and policy within their own roles to expand the violence prevention work of the Health Department.

Youth Violence Prevention Community Advisory Board

The Community Advisory Board (CAB) consists of community members who strive towards reducing youth violence in Multnomah County. The CAB is looking for community members who are interested in working on youth violence prevention. As part of CAB, you commit to a monthly two hour meeting with the opportunity to work on additional projects outside of CAB.

To be part of the CAB, contact: Quete Capuia at or 503-936-3766.

Youth Violence Prevention Youth Advisory Board

The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is looking for youth who are interested in working on youth violence prevention. As part of YAB, you commit to a monthly two hour meeting with the opportunity to work on additional projects outside of the YAB. YAB members are youth ages 14-20.

To be part of the YAB, contact: Dwight Myrick at or 971-801-3203.