The goal of supporting technical assistance programs is to provide business development services to MWESB certified businesses. Currently the County sponsors business development programs that include:

Turner School of Construction Management - The Turner School of Construction Management is a comprehensive eight week training available to MWESB businesses. The training is provided by Turner staff and is made possible through sponsorship of local agencies and organizations, such as Multnomah county.  Topics include: risk management, construction estimating, safety and marketing.
Metropolitan Contractor Improvement Partnership (MCIP) - The MCIP provides business development, support and training programs for historically underutilized viable construction businesses with a heavy emphasis on minority businesses. 
University of Washington’s Minority Business Executive Program - The Minority Business Executive Program is a strategic partnership between the University of Washington and the Northwest Supplier Development Council.  The program is designed to increase the competitiveness of Minority Business Enterprises.

By providing hands-on business development services for MWESB certified businesses Multnomah County is making a positive contribution to wards the success and growth of a diverse vendor pool.  Additional information regarding the County's technical assistance efforts and contracting results can be obtained by downloading our Annual Reports.

Why Multnomah County provides technical assistance:

Multnomah County is committed to the long term success MWESB certified businesses.  The County recognizes MWESB businesses provide vital services and goods throughout the region.  These businesses are typically small businesses and they employ locally.  The County believes a healthy and growing small business community is essential to the economic and social health of the community. By providing business development support through sponsorships and partnerships with organizations that specialize in providing that support the County is investing in the future success of the local small business community.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q: Why does the County focus on providing technical assistance to certified MWESBs?

A: Because the State of Oregon's certification office provides third party verification the businesses the County intends to provide technical assistance to (small businesses) are in fact the businesses that receive the technical assistance.

Q: Does the County provide in-house technical assistance to MWESBs?

A:  The County works with all vendors interested in doing business with the County to ensure those vendors have the information necessary for them to respond to County solicitations. Purchasing staff is available to answer technical questions about the purchasing process.

Q:  Is the technical assistance referenced on this page free to MWESB businesses?

A:  Some of the technical assistance is free while some of the technical assistance is offered at a discounted price to MWESB businesses.  When inquiring about a particular program it is always a good idea to let the technical assistance provider know that your business is MWESB certified and to ask if a discount or waiver of the cost is available.