Drinking Water

Drinking water inspections for subdivisions, mobile home parks, marinas and other small water systems.

Water Quality

For questions or concerns about the quality of your drinking water, contact the water department (such as the Portland Water Bureau) shown on your water bill.

If you don’t receive a water bill, your drinking water may come from a small water system. Examples of where small water systems may be found include:

  • Subdivisions
  • Mobile home parks
  • Marinas
  • Parks
  • Churches
  • Schools
  • Private businesses operating their own wells

If you are a customer on a small water system and have concerns about your water, or if you are uncertain about whether your water has been inspected, you’re welcome to call us at 503-988-3400 for more information.

Small Water System Inspections

Multnomah County Environmental Health conducts water system surveys of small water systems once every 3-5 years, depending on the population served, to ensure that they are being maintained properly. A water system survey is an on-site review of sources, treatment facilities and reservoirs.

The schedule for these surveys is set by the Oregon Drinking Water Program, which enforces water quality standards and provides certification for small water systems operators. Fees for this inspection are paid directly to the Oregon State Drinking Water Program.

The following will be reviewed as part of the water system survey: 

All systems:

Community water systems (in addition to above):

  • Cross connection control program plan, records, latest ASR, etc.
  • Written protocols for non-DRC operators, if applicable.


Oregon Water Rules and Regulations

Operator Certification

The Oregon Drinking Water Program provides certification for small water systems operators. You can take the course online.

Contact Us

Multnomah County Environmental Health
847 NE 19th Ave, Suite 350
Portland, Oregon (Map)
503-988-5844 fax

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8am - 4:30pm

Last reviewed date February 4, 2025