SUN Parent Child Development Services
SUN Parent Child Development Services are services for families of children (pre-natal through age 5) to promote positive parenting, healthy child development and school readiness.
Families receive personalized coaching and support through a home visitor and play groups in the community with other families. Specific services include:
- Age appropriate parent-child play groups
- Parenting education and support services
- Developmental and health screenings, including immunization status checks (and follow up)
- Referrals to other needed social and health services to create a home environment that strengthens the entire family.
- Regular personal visits
- Transition to kindergarten assistance
Play groups are offered across the county for easy access for participating families.
All services are developmentally and culturally appropriate .
To participate call the numbers below based on where you live
- West and Southeast: Impact NW - (503) 489-8040
- North/Northeast: Self Enhancement Inc. (SEI) - 503-285-0493
- Mid-county: Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) - 503-380-8027
- Outer East: Metropolitan Family Service (MFS) - 971-396-8102
For further program information or to participate in culturally specific PCDS programs (African American, Latinx, Slavic, African Immigrant, Asian & Pacific Islander, Native American) , please contact:
Lisa Kulkarni , 503-988-7444, lisa.kulkarni@multco.us
Early Kindergarten Transition Program
The Early Kindergarten Transition Programs (EKT) are 2-3 week free summer programs for children AND their parents/caregivers entering kindergarten at many SUN Community Schools across the County.
List of schools with the Early Kindergarten Transition Program:
Two Core components
The EKT program is based around two core components:
Class Time for Children
Family Engagement Activities
During class time children meet teachers, make new friends, and get familiar with kindergarten skills, routines, and expectations.
Parents/Caregivers participate in group engagement and other activities to learn about kindergarten and the school, ways to support learning at home, and meet school staff and other parents.
For further information, please contact:
Mani Xaybanha , 503.459.2251
Prenatal - 3rd grade (P3) Program
A Strong Start to School by Building Trust
P-3 Schools are SUN Community Schools that have a deep focus on engaging diverse families with young children. Instead of waiting until students are in kindergarten, P-3 schools reach out to the families of future students and warmly welcome them into the school.
Culturally responsive and developmentally appropriate parent-child activities engage families and honor their role as a child’s first teacher. P-3 Schools support parents to develop relationships with other families and nurture parent leaders to build confidence and a sense of ownership within their community school.
Building trust and stronger connections between families and the school promotes positive transitions to kindergarten, supports parents becoming advocates for their child’s education and increases families’ access to needed resources. Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education are more likely to have higher grades, consistent school attendance, better social skills, and improved behavior.1
1 .Henderson, A.T., and K.L. Mapp, 2002. A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement. National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools, Southwest educational Development Laboratory
Mani Xaybanha , 503.459.2251