Healthy Birth Initiatives addresses the needs of pregnant Black and African American women.
It does this by opening up access to health care and providing ongoing support to pregnant Black and African American women and their families before and after birth.
Our classes, Community Action Network meetings and Father Involvement activities are open to everyone. Contact us for more information.
Our services are Afrocentric and include:
- Individualized, in-home case management
- Access to community health nurses and other specialists
- Help with goal planning
- Respite care
- Breastfeeding support
- Discount car seats
- Family planning
- Transportation for medical care and health education classes
- Coordination of care with health care providers and community agencies
- Ongoing classes and groups
We also serve African immigrant and refugee families through our partnership with African Family Holistic Health Organization (AFHHO).
What are the benefits?
Blacks and African Americans experience rates of infant mortality and low birth weight at levels that unjustly and disproportionately affect their communities. Healthy Birth Initiatives works to achieve healthy birth outcomes by improving the well-being of mothers, fathers and their children before, during and between pregnancies.
Who can receive services?
You may be able to receive services if you:
- Are pregnant
- Are Black or African American
- Live in Multnomah County
How to apply
Call 503-988-3387 to apply or refer a client, or fill out our referral form»
You can also call us to get a schedule of classes and events.

Prenatal Class
Nutrition, promoting a healthy pregnancy, preparing for breastfeeding and pregnancy complications.
2nd and 4th Mondays, 6-7pm | Thursdays, 12-1pm
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Meeting ID: 958 9225 5592 | Passcode: PreNat24!
Childbirth Education Class
What to expect in labor. Create a birth plan and learn about labor stages, birth complications, current hospital practices and options.
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6-8pm
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Meeting ID: 992 8088 1598 | Passcode: hbiCBE24!
Postpartum & Newborn Class
All things postpartum and newborn care. Includes parent emotional wellness, postpartum health for moms and dads, and newborn development.
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 11am-1pm
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Meeting ID: 930 8112 7104 |Passcode: ^EsSf39
Parent Group
Meet parents with babies close in age. Get answers about what's "normal" for parents and kids. Receive parent and caregivers support for emotional wellness and your baby's development.
Mondays, 10-11am
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Meeting ID: 966 2755 0131 | Passcode: &U763MYZ
Father Involvement

All activities are free and open to Black American, African immigrant and refugee fathers. You can join and receive support even if the mother is not involved in Healthy Birth Initiatives.
Man Cave Monday
Space for fathers to network and socialize.
3rd Mondays, 6-7:30 pm
Northeast Health Center, 5329 NE MLK Blvd, Conference Room B, Portland
Let That Dad Speak!
Helping fathers achieve the 5 protective factors of fatherhood. We will use 2 videos, "Fathering in 15" and "The Ins and Outs of Fatherhood" as our source materials. Attend online or in person.
2nd Tuesdays, 6-7pm
Location: Northeast Health Center, 5329 NE MLK Blvd, Conference Room B, Portland
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Meeting ID: 986 7663 4006 | Passcode: fiLTPS!24
The Bridge
Multigenerational community gathering of Black men to discuss life, fatherhood and current events from a variety of perspectives.
3rd Thursdays, 6-8pm
Location: Sharon Seventh-day Adventist Church, 5209 NE 22nd Ave, Portland
Black Fatherhood Collaborative
Brings together the HBI father involvement program, service providers, father-focused organizations, community-based organizations and fathers to educate and support African and African American fathers. Focuses on the 5 protective factors of fatherhood:
- Parental resilience
- Social connections
- Parenting and child development
- Concrete support in times of need
- Social and emotional competence of children
3rd Fridays, 2-3pm
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Meeting ID: 946 4546 7758 | Passcode: P@C969Fr
Community Action Network

3rd Wednesdays | Online and in-person
11am-12:30pm | January, March, May, July, September, November
6-7:30pm | February, April, June, August, October
Location: Northeast Health Center, 5329 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland
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Meeting ID: 990 5399 9523 | Passcode: HBIcan24!
A group of parents, community members and organizations untied to confront and overcome social challenges impacting healthy birth outcomes for African American/Black families.
Meetings are open to the public. No meeting in December.
Reading List
Recommended reads for black families»
Contact Us
Healthy Birth Initiatives
5329 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am-5pm