All licensed establishments in Multnomah County receive two routine, unannounced inspections each year. The inspections reports are maintained in a searchable database for one year.
The database contains inspections for licensed facilities such as restaurants, food carts, hotels and pools. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, call us at 503-988-3400.
Good to know
- Re-inspections are not scored.
- A placard visible at the restaurant’s entrance indicates whether a facility passed the last inspection.
What we inspect
Inspectors check for factors that could lead to foodborne illness, including the manner in which foods are received and stored, how food is processed and cooked, and what cooling, holding and reheating temperatures are used. Any practices not in compliance with state laws are reported as violations.
If critical violations are found that cannot be corrected at the time of the inspection, the restaurant is given 14 days to make the correction (until then a safe, alternative procedure must be in place). A re-inspection is then performed.
Contact us at 503-988-3400 or foodsafety@multco.us.