Your child has been arrested and charged with a Measure 11 crime. She/he was taken into custody and is being held at Donald E. Long Home (DELH). If the court decides there is enough evidence to proceed with Measure 11 charges, your child will be classified as an adult under these charges and is subject to strictly defined penalties.

This guide will help to inform you about the court process, provide contact information and explain services and practices in DELH.

“We value families for their role in strengthening our communities, preventing criminal behavior and empowering families as full partners in the behavioral change effort.”

Preliminary Hearings

  • Your child will have a preliminary hearing at 2:15 PM on the first business day after the arrest.
  • Your child will be assigned an attorney at this hearing if they do not have one.
  • At this hearing, the judge will determine if there is probable cause, (sufficient evidence), to proceed with the Measure 11 charge(s).
  • If probable cause is found, the judge will submit the evidence to a grand jury for review and set a second court appearance for one week from the original preliminary hearing.
  • At the second preliminary hearing, the judge will read the determination of the grand jury and if probable cause is found, your child will be formally charged under M11. 
  • If probable cause is not determined, your child may be released or may be detained under juvenile charges. If the court decides not to proceed on the M11 charges during this hearing, your child may be re-indicted on the M11 charges at another time if further evidence is submitted to the court.

Donald E Long Home Logistics

Most youth charged with a Measure 11 crime are in custody in DELH for an average of 4-6 months before completing their court process, due to the complexity of Measure 11 crimes.

Within the first week, the Measure 11 Manager or their representative will meet with you and your child to go over the Measure 11 process and behavior expectations while at DELH.

Placement is based on how to best support the safety and security of the youth. Boys will be housed in A-2 or B-Pod depending on age, maturity, co-defendant issues and or other factors. Girls are housed in A-1.

DELH utilizes a level system based on behavior. The higher the level the more privileges earned.

Youth are expected to participate in gym, attend daily skill building groups and go to school weekdays with the potential of earning a high school diploma.

Youth’s behavior in DELH may be monitored by the court, so it is important that the youth attempt to demonstrate positive behaviors and pro-social skills.

As part of the Measure 11 process, your child will receive a referral to Pretrial Referral Services (PRS). This program offers your child the opportunity to be released on bail and stay at home on House Arrest and/or Electronic Monitoring under very structured and supervised guidelines while waiting to go to court on the M11 charges.

PRS will consider your child’s alleged charges, criminal history, community safety concerns, home supervision and overall behavior when making their recommendation. While all M11 youth are interviewed for PRS, few youth are accepted into the program.

If released to PRS, your child must follow all guidelines of the program. Failure to comply with the program is grounds to revoke PRS. This means that your child will be taken back into custody, processed at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) and returned to DELH.

Note:  A release to PSP does not mean that the charges have been dropped.

Facilities Phone Numbers

Donald E. Long Home (DELH):
1401 NE 68th Ave.
Portland, OR 97213

Hillcrest Youth Correctional Facility:
2450 Strong Road SE
Salem, OR 97302

MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility:
2640 North Pacific Highway
Woodburn OR 97071

Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC):
1120 SW Third Ave.,
Portland, OR 97204

Oak Creek:
4400 Lochner Road
Albany, OR 97322.
Phone number: 541-791-5900.

Pretrial Services Program (PSP/PRS):
1120 SW 3rd Ave., #358
Portland, OR 97204

Spanish Version

English - Measure 11 Process Guide for Families