Make a referral
Anyone can make a referral with a client or legal guardian's consent. To make a referral:
Phone: 503-988-6258
Fax: 503-988-3059
Mail: 209 SW 4th Ave., Suite 610 Portland, OR 97204
How do I apply?
Schedule an appointment with an Eligibility Specialist.
Meet with an Eligibility Specialist to complete an application.
The Eligibility Specialist will discuss services and timelines.
5. Or complete an
and return to:
- Email:
- Fax: 503-988-3059
- Mail: 209 SW 4th Ave., Suite 610 Portland, OR 97204
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Who is eligible?
We serve individuals diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The condition must be expected to last a lifetime.
The condition must impact at least two everyday living skills. Examples include self care, communication, learning, socialization, mobility and self-direction.
The onset of the intellectual disability must have occurred prior to age 18. The onset of the developmental disability must have occurred prior to age 22.
Examples of potentially qualifying conditions:
Intellectual Disability (IQ of 75 or below)
Down Syndrome
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Cerebral Palsy
Fetal Alcohol/Drug Effects
Traumatic Brain Injury
For questions about qualifying conditions, please contact 503-988-6258 or
Can I appeal if I am found not eligible?
An appeal request must be submitted within 90 days of the date of notice of the Notification of Planned Action (denial notice).
There are 3 ways to request a hearing:
Complete the form included with your denial notice and mail it to: Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS), Attn: DD Administrative Specialist, 500 Summer St NE, E-09, Salem, OR 97301
Fax the completed form included with your denial notice to 503-373-7274
Make a verbal request for a hearing by speaking directly with the Eligibility Specialist you have been working with.
If you need a replacement form, please contact the Eligibility Specialist you have been working with or 503-988-6258 or
Medical Statements
A statement by a Medical Provider may be used to assist or determine eligibility for services. Return completed forms to