Excise Taxes

The county’s Excise Tax and Business Income Tax (BIT) collection program performs regular billing and collection functions including follow-up on any past due accounts and recommends policy changes.

The county's Excise Tax and Business Income Tax (BIT) collection program performs regular billing and collection functions including follow-up on any past due accounts and recommends policy changes. The program also manages an inter-governmental agreement with the City of Portland to maintain business accounts, audits, and ensures compliance to the county's revenue and taxation policies.

A portion of the BIT revenue is shared with the cities of Gresham, Wood Village, Troutdale, Fairview, and Maywood Park. A portion of the MVRT and TLT is shared with the city of Portland, Metro, Portland Oregon Visitors Association, Visitor Development Fund Board, and the Regional Arts and Culture Council. The BIT is levied on businesses within Multnomah County.

The county code for Revenue and Taxation can be found at the link below:

Excise Taxes:

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Last reviewed May 30, 2023