As a client of Multnomah County's STI Clinic, you are entitled to:

  • Considerate and respectful care, regardless of your race, religion, education, sex, culture, gender of partners, background or financial status.
  • Privacy concerning your care, consultations and discussions of your case.

Facts and information about consultation and referrals are considered confidential. Unless permitted by law, no information or records pertaining to your care will be released without your permission.

Your Rights

You have the right to:

  • Know the name of the specialist who is providing your care.
  • Receive a description of services provided. You also may refuse a recommended service or referral.
  • Refuse to participate at any time.
  • Register a concern regarding service, care or medical management and to obtain resolution. Concerns about service can be directed to the clinic management team at 503-988-3700. Presenting a concern will not compromise your service.
  • Know before you leave our office or after every phone or text interaction about your continuing health care needs; including the time, location of appointment and name of the staff who will provide follow-up care.
  • Respectful and non-judgmental care.

Your Responsibilities

  • Pursue a healthy lifestyle.
  • To the best of your knowledge, provide accurate and complete information related to your health.
  • Attend appointments and meetings with referred staff. 
  • Treat staff respectfully. 
  • Ensure that the financial obligations of your health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible. Other service providers may bill your insurance.
  • Follow office rules and regulations affecting client care and conduct.

Be considerate of the rights of other clients and medical office property.

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