Services for People with HIV/AIDS

A full continuum of care is available for people living with HIV/AIDS. Many services are provided at low or no-cost if you have low income. Services include:
- Medical care
- Assistance getting health insurance
- Medication assistance
- Mental health and substance abuse treatment
- Dental care
- Housing assistance
- Meals
- Psychosocial support
- Medical case management
- Help getting care assistance
- Peer support
Getting Started
Case managers are the best first step for learning more about and getting into local services. If you receive medical care at:
- Multnomah County HIV Health Services Center - Call 503-988-5020
- Another local HIV clinic - Call Partnership Project, 503-230-1202 or 877-795-7700 (toll free)
- An HIV clinic in Vancouver, WA - Call Cascade AIDS Project Southwest Washington, 360-750-7964
HIV Service Providers
- Cascade AIDS Project | Prevention, housing, employment, support resources
- Cascade AIDS Project SW Washington | Case management and other services in Clark County, Washington
- CAREAssist | Oregon AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), medications, insurance
- Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, HIV Day Center | Meals and drop-in center
- Multnomah County HIV Health Services Center | Medical care, case management and support services
- Multnomah County Behavioral Health | Addictions treatment benefits coordination and financial assistance
- OHSU Partnership Project | Case management and other services in Portland, Oregon
- Quest Center for Integrative Health | Mental health and addictions treatment, peer support for women and treatment seekers
- Russell Street Dental Clinic | Dental care
Privacy Disclosures
Organized Health Care Arrangement Notice
(34.41 KB)
Helpful Resources
- HIV Resource Guide
- DocumentCommunity Resource List (139.29 KB)