The Ryan White HIV Services Planning Council works to improve the quality of life for those living with HIV/AIDS. It ensures that community members play lead roles in planning and assessment of HIV resources.
We are a 30-member community involvement group that:
- Decides how to spend $3 million in federal funds on programs that help people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.
- Plans the delivery of medical and social services in Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah, Yamhill, Washington and Clark counties.
- Involves the community to assess healthcare and social service needs of people living with HIV.
Meeting Schedules
Planning Council
Meetings are open to the public and are held online or at the Southeast Health Center, 3653 SE 34th Ave, in Portland, just south of Powell Blvd.
- March 4, 4-6pm | Online
- April 1, 4-6pm | Online
- May 6, 3-6pm | Southeast Health Center
- June 3, 3-6pm | Southeast Health Center
- July 10, 11am-4pm
Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 931 1735 8512
Passcode: RWPC24-25
By phone: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 931 1735 8512
Passcode: 738669943
Operations Committee
Meets online every other month on the 2nd Tuesday from 3-5pm.
- March 11
- May 13
- July 8 (if needed)
Meeting ID: 953 0106 3580
Passcode: Ops24-25
By phone: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 953 0106 3580
Passcode: 56481517
BIPOC Data Review Committee

Meets quarterly to ensure that BIPOC voices are centered in decisions about our region’s HIV care and services. Open to people of color who have lived personal or professional experience with HIV. Learn more and sign up»
Next Meeting: April 17, 10-11:30am
Past Council Meetings

Our diverse council is composed of service providers, public health officials and people living with HIV/AIDS. We accept membership applications at any time.
Members serve a 2-year term beginning September 1, and we fill interim-term vacancies as needed. Applications are valid for one year from the date they're received.
You may be able to join if you:
- Know about HIV policy or services needs
- Have community planning experience
- Are a person living with HIV who wants to bring your experience to benefit the planning process
Members must live within Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, Yamhill, Columbia and Clark counties.
Why Join the Council?
Make a difference for people living with HIV in your community
- Gain experience and knowledge working with Ryan White legislation and other HIV-related services
- Gain leadership skills, including decision-making, voting, prioritizing
- Network with other stakeholders
- Learn about current HIV issues and experience shaping the HIV service system
Member Expectations
Meetings are held about 10 times a year, usually on the first Tuesday of the month.
Your 2-year term begins September 1. If you're appointed mid-year, you'll serve a partial term and begin your 2-year term the following September. You may serve on the council as long as your interest and commitment exists.
If you need to miss a meeting, let the council office know. Then reach out to us or another member to find out what happened at the meeting.
Appointment Process
The Nominations Committee reviews applications and interviews potential applicants on an on-going basis. The Operations Committee votes on applicants and forwards candidates to the chair of the Multnomah County Commissioners for appointment.
Information on HIV/AIDS
- HIV/AIDS Bureau of HRSA
- HIV in Oregon
- End HIV/STI Oregon Annual Progress Report 2023 (PDF)
- End HIV/STI Oregon 5-year Strategy Summary 2022-2026 (PDF)
Member Resources
Tips for successful public testimony
Priority Setting and Resource Allocation
Contact Us
Ryan White HIV Services Planning Council
619 NW 6th Ave, 2nd Floor
Portland, Oregon, 97209 (MAP)
503-307-9767 phone/text
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm