Food Service Advisory Committee

Makes recommendations on food safety regulations in Multnomah County.

This group of food service and safety representatives makes recommendations to Environmental Health Services’ food safety program. It also provides a line of communication between the food service industry and public health.

Topics we cover include:

  • Food code revisions
  • Risk factors for foodborne illness
  • Industry trends
  • License fees

Members are appointed by the Multnomah County chair.

Meeting Schedule

Held online every other month, on the first Mondays from 9:30-10:30 am. Open to the public.

To join our next meeting, contact us to request meeting details.

  • April 7
  • June 2
  • August 4
  • October 6
  • December 1

Meeting Minutes



We’re now accepting applications for up to 4 new members. We’re looking for members from a wide variety of backgrounds who are interested in food service sanitation and safety. You may be able to join if you live or have a vested interest in the county’s food service industry.

Open until all positions are filled. Apply for membership»

Members serve a 1- to 3-year term, and represent all parts of the food service industry. From full-service restaurants and food carts, to commissaries and non-profits. Priority is given to:

  • Food industry representatives (owners, managers, staff, etc.)
  • Public representatives with an interest in local food safety – (public interest groups, educators, health care professionals, etc.)

We also welcome participation from non-voting members.


Contact Debbie Flinchbaugh,, 971-420-7454

Last reviewed November 18, 2024